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I did not think I would say this, but I really enjoyed this summer. From the time I used to take my children for long walks or visit family friends till now when I cannot get enough sunshine into my bone’s summertime has always been a fun time.

There is no better place for mums to have a good chat and plan surprise parties than when their children are happily playing in the park.

Picnics were just wonderful; our cool box was almost always packed ready.

Walking along the beach picking seashells or exploring the rocks gave the children a good dose of fresh air as they enjoyed ice cream and all the glory of outdoors. I am glad they have continued to enjoy the beauty of nature with their children.

Then the children grew up and left home, family friends moved away, and I learned to adjust to my new life. Long walks had become an addiction in all weathers. I enjoy walking meeting people and admiring the changing colours of nature.

Writing was something that occupied the night hours when my children were in bed, Writing crept on me as I simply wrote for the fun of it. A story, a thought or poem looked better on paper than in my mind. Years passed and I wrote when I could about things that meant a lot to me. A sheet of paper was as good as a friend especially when back pain made everything else a challenge.

Writing took my mind off the pain; it also kept me from getting depressed.

As I did not keep record of what I wrote or file them up neatly in folders, I had no idea how many poems and stories I had written.

For me winning four International Poet of Merit awards and not storing them in any particular order was like inviting an antique dealer into my home to see more of my "collection."

Now the joy and surprise wad mine as I continued to discover poems, thoughts short stories I wrote so many years ago.

How did I write a thousand poems without knowing it?

And does it really matter if I wrote a hundred or just ten poems?

The joy and surprise are mine. I am glad I wrote when I could.

I still write because writing has become part of me.

I am now learning to share some in video recordings.

Next stop podcasts but the joy of finding a story tucked away between the pages of magazines make chuckle to myself.

At least I did something worthwhile with my time.

This is going to be thrown with other stories into my family treasure box.

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