How our hearts yearn for truth.
Truth makes what we stand on solid and secure.
Without truth, we wobble, and our feet falter and we fall.
When we avoid truth or mix it up with falsehood, we may only walk so far until what we walk on buckle
under our feet or break.
Can we say that what we stand on, put our faith in or trust is solid ground?
Or have all grounds become like sinking sand?
When fake dresses up as reality, we must be on our guard about what or who to believe,
Those who may look like rocks in our eyes, are themselves seeking for a solid ground on which to stand.
Thank God He remains our Solid Rock whether we believe in Him or question His very existence, He
remains forever faithful and a sure foundation to whom all may come.
When it seems the very ground, you stand on has given way, there is only one person to reach out to.
His name is TRUTH.